[Clan Crest]

Clan MacLea - Livingstone

The Official Home of the Clan McLea (The ancient historical name of the Livingstones)

The Lion Rampant



In 1388 John Stewart of Invermeath acquired the lands by purchase from his wife’s sister, Janet, older daughter of John, 3rd of Lorn. John Stewart of Invermeath, and 4th of Lorn, had no male heir either. Of his daughters, Janet married Sir Colin Campbell of Glenorchy, 2nd son of Duncan Campbell of Lochawe, while Isabel married Sir Colin Campbell, grandson of Duncan Campbell of Lochawe, and nephew of Sir Colin Campbell of Glenorchy. By obviously arranged marriages. uncle and nephew thus each married a daughter of John Stewart, 4th of Lorn. In the absence of a male heir, John Stewart was succeeded in the lands of Lorn by his brother, Walter Stewart of Invermeath.

Robert Stewart, the younger of the two, made a bargain with his brother John by which John obtained the whole Lordship of Lorn while Robert secured the entire family patrimony of Invermeath. From John Stewart and his MacDougal wife, accordingly descended all the Stewart Lords of Lorne, the Stewart Earls of Athol, and the Stewarts of Appin.

When the Lordship of Lorn passed to the Stewarts our duty was clearly to support them.

Ian Carmichael tells the story of the Murder at Duart in the Celtic review see Duart Murder


Last updated 20 April, 2013