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Fond Memories of Baron Alastair Livingstone

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 3:55 pm
by Canadian Livingstone
Many of the Livingstone kin world wide were fortunate to having met the late Baron in person on the Island of Lismore and no doubt have some stories they would like to share. Regretfully I did not have the opportunity to meet or converse with him, but my late cousin William Livingstone Clink contacted him in the 1980's and it was the Baron who pointed out to my cousin that our ancestor Miles Livingstone b.1775 who came to Canada in 1812 was possibly the Miles Livingstone born 1775 on the Island of Lismore and that we might have an ancestral connection to the area. Later I located Miles Livingstone's marriage record in which he stated he was married on the Isle of Islay but a native of Movern. Nevertheless both pieces of information enabled me to zero in on Miles ancestral location as Movern infact is in the neighbourhood of the Isle of Lismore. So I personally owe the late Baron a debt of gratitude for his kind assistance in helping our family discover our highland roots. Thank-you Baron.