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Hugh (Ewen) Livingston and Cirsty McMaster of Morvern

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 5:13 pm
by Canadian Livingstone
Hi all,

Keil Cemetery near Lochaline, Morvern is known by our Clan for the elaborate table tombed erected in 1760 by Donald Livingstone 1728-1816 of Savary for his parents John Livingston and Anna McInnes, but there are a number of other Livingstons buried in that old cemetery some with gravestones and others with stones no longer in existence. One of the oldest Livingston gravestones still standing is a grey stone erected in the 1830's for Shepherd Ewen (Hugh) Livingston and his wife Christian (Cirsty) McMaster (MacMaster). Despite the age most of the inscriptions on the stone are legible. Ewen Livingston died 15th of January 1826 aged 52 years and his spouse Christian McMaster died January 1837 age 61. Unfortunately a large piece of grass is obscuring the day in the photo. I did not think that there would be any family info in the old parish records on them given that there does not seem to be any Morvern Parish church records surviving before about 1803 or 1804. I found no marriage record for them but there are three birth records for their children.

Hugh Livington shepherd and Cirsty Macmaster a daughter Janet born 15th July 1804

Hugh Livingston shepherd "Strone" and Cirsty Macmaster a son Hugh born Feb. 9, 1809

Hugh Livingston shepherd "Strone" and Cirsty Macmaster a son Colin born 2lst Feb. 1811

I don't know what if any connection Hugh and his wife have to the other Livingstons buried in this old cemetery but it is always possible that there are still some living descendants somewhere in the world. Thanks again to John Freeman for that photo of the Ewen Livingston and Cirsty McMaster gravestone.

